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Vine Health and Wine Quality (SVQV) - UMR_A 1131

Key words

Plant health – Plan breeding – Food quality – Virus – Molecular biology – Genome- Metabolism – GMO – Sustainable agriculture – Vine – Lasting resistance – Virus vectors - Oomycete


This research unit was created in 2005 and associates scientists and technicians from the INRA (National Institute for Agronomical Research) and from the University of Strasbourg.

Research at UMR1131 aims to develop new vine varieties for a sustainable viticulture, taking into account present and future environmental constraints. This includes the development of wine grape resistant to fungal diseases and rootstocks resistant to viral infection. These new varieties will be adapted to the three main French vineyard climates and will preserve wine quality. The different programs conducted in our laboratories deliver tools, methods, knowledge and genetic resources as well as prototypes for novel and sustainable crop management systems in viticulture.

Research focus

Research is organised around three main themes aiming to enhance grapevine health and wine quality:

  • Lasting resistance to downy and powdery mildews:
  • Virus resistance and virus vectors:
  • Grapevine Secondary Metabolism


Frédérique Pelsy


Santé de la vigne et qualité du vin (SVQV)
28 rue de Herrlisheim - BP 20507
68021 Colmar Cedex

Tél : 03 89 22 49 00


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