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Frequently Asked Questions

Application and enrolment

Browse through our list of degree programmes and find what you're looking for.

Enrolment guidelines are disclosed here.

The French public education system is committed to making higher education available to all. Tuition fees rarely exceed €600 per academic year and are the same for French and international students. See the 2016-2017 tuition fees.

French higher education is based on three academic degrees: Licence, Master and Doctorat. This structure is in line with the European standards which aim to harmonise higher education systems and facilitate equivalences between higher education qualifications across Europe, notably through the European Credit Transfer System. Find more information on Campus France's website.

For any further information about a degree programme or a course, please contact directly the related  department of studies.

Under certain conditions, international students are entitled to financial aid from the CROUS (the regional organisation in charge of student facilities and support) or the French government.

Your student ID (Pass Campus) will be given to you upon enrolment at your department of studies' registrar's office.
More information about the Pass Campus

Language requirements

We normally expect all applicants to hold a B1 level in French before applying. Non-French speaking applicants will need to pass a French Language Proficiency test.

The University of Strasbourg does not provide free French courses for beginners, but some facilities are here to help you develop the language skills necessary for academic life and overcome cultural and language barriers. Read more about French as a foreign language courses.

A few degree programmes are taught partly in English. However, you still need to have sufficient fluency in written and spoken French to fully cope with your course. See the list here.


International students are eligible to apply for accommodation in a university hall of residence.
Find out more about university accommodation.

Home insurance covers your housing in the event of a disaster such as fire, burglary or water damage. It also includes liability insurance in the event of an accident. It is mandatory, whether you live in a university hall of residence of a private housing. You should take out home insurance before moving in.

No. If you applied for accommodation for the whole academic year, you will have to pay your rent from the 1st of September to the 30th of June.

Practical life

You need a visa if you are from a country outside the European Union. Find out more about visas and immigration.

Your right to work in France depends on your country of origin and type of visa: learn more about work regulations for foreign students.

Any student staying in France for more than 3 months is required to have a health insurance. You can register with social security upon enrolment in university. Find out more about social security.

At the University of Strasbourg, we provide international students with support and guidance throughout their studies. A range of services are available: see the list here.

The University of Strasbourg provides support and guidance to students with disabilities. Find out more about Mission Handicap.


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Logo du programme HRS4R
Logo du programme France 2030
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