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Equality, Parity & Diversity Task Force


The Equality, Parity & Diversity Task Force works on behalf of all staff and students at the University of Strasbourg.

An Equality, Parity & Diversity Vice-President has been appointed to implement the university’s equalities policy.

Their role is to:

  • Ensure there is gender equality in terms of recruitment, supervision, and career development,
  • Identify and expose any recurring cases of inequality or any form of discrimination against university staff or students,
  • Ensure that everyone is aware of the issues of abuse of power, bullying and sexual harassment,
  • Aim to improve the quality of work life at the university with a clear work-life balance.

The task force is available to discuss any of the above matters. It can be contacted by email.

Equality, Parity & Diversity Vice-President: Isabelle Kraus

Email: egalite-parite@unistra.fr

Action plan for gender equality in the workplace

In light of the agreement on gender equality in the workplace of 30 November 2018 and the Civil Service Transformation Act of 6 August 2019, Article 80, the University of Strasbourg has developed and implemented an action plan for gender equality in the workplace.

This multi-year plan for 2021-2023 gives us the opportunity to underscore the university’s strong commitment to gender equality, broaden the social dialogue on this subject, and further motivate the university community to make our environment a workplace where people of all genders can find their rightful place.

The action plan focuses on the four areas covered by the Act and the two areas recommended by the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI). It extends the policies that have been implemented at Unistra since 2009 for staff, and since 2017 for students. The six focus areas are:

  • Assessing, preventing and resolving pay gaps,
  • Guaranteeing men and women equal access to the “corps” (professions), “cadres d’emplois” (job types), grades and positions in the French civil service,
  • Defining the relationship between work life and private, family life,
  • Preventing and dealing with discrimination, abuse, bullying and sexual harassment, and sexist behaviour,
  • Overseeing the Equality Policy,
  • Actions aimed at current and future students.

Situational Comparison Reports


The CPED (Conférence permanente des chargées de mission égalité, diversité ou mission assimilée [Standing Conference for Equality and Diversity Officers within Higher Education institutions]) includes officers and Vice Presidents who are responsible for gender equality in their establishment. The University of Strasbourg is one of the eleven founding members. Its representative, Isabelle Kraus, chaired the conference from its creation in 2011 until November 2016.

Tackling Sexism, Sexual Violence & Misconduct and Homophobic Abuse

The university recognises that sexual harassment, sexist behaviour and homophobia can occur within the university community. The University of Strasbourg does not tolerate this kind of behaviour. Speak out! Don’t keep quiet or feel you’re alone.

You can contact the counselling and support service at violences-sexistes@unistra.fr

This service includes doctors, psychologists and social workers, who will reply within 48 hours.

You can also visit the webpage "Tackling Sexism and Sexual Harassment at the University of Strasbourg"

Tackling Discrimination

Since January 2020, the Equality, Parity & Diversity Task Force has been offering an elective course for non-specialists called “How to Identify, Understand and Deal with Discrimination”. For more information, please visit the course website.

25 November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Each year, on 25 November, we have the opportunity to remember that the fight is still ongoing against different forms of abuse in various parts of society, both in places of work and study, and also in the home.

Visit the webpage for this Day, where you will find emergency contact details and information about events organised to mark this occasion.

8 March: International Women’s Week at the University of Strasbourg

As part of International Women’s Week on 8 March 2022, the University of Strasbourg’s Equality, Parity & Diversity Task Force is organising Equality Week from 7 to 11 March. Find out what’s on!


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