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Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IBMP) - UPR 2357

Key words

Biochemistry- Molecular biology – Cellular biology – Structural biology – Molecular genetics – Cellular imagery – Bioinformatics – Genomics – Genome and complexity – High throughput screening – Transcriptome – Proteome – Proteasome – Functional analysis – Transgenesis – GMO – Pot-genome – Development biology – Metabolism - Virology


Research in the Institute is dedicated to understanding the molecular and cellular processes at the basis of Plant Life. This cutting-edge fundamental research can lead to important applications in the biotechnological and medical fields.

Several state-of-the-art technological platforms support the four departments of the Institute: Protein production, Imaging, QPCR DNA sequencing, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology and Metabolomics. These platforms are for internal use but also open to the wider scientific community. They play an important role in promoting learning and offering up-to-date staff training. Finally, greenhouses and culture chambers allow the production of more than 200 000 plants per year and complete the set of facilities. 

International attractiveness and visibility are two priorities of the scientific policy of the Institute. At the regional level, the IBMP is in close relation with colleagues and partners from Germany and Switzerland. A strong link with the INRA Center of Colmar is also developed.

The Institute aims to train the next generation of scientists and to offer the possibility to apply its knowledge for the benefit of society, i.e. for agronomy and human health. With the expertise and high scientific quality currently involved in long-standing research topics as well as in emerging domains, the IBMP provides an excellent environment to address important challenging questions for the future.

Research focus

The IBMP is composed of four research departments focusing on various topics:

  • Biosynthesis of bioactive molecules and their regulation
  • Plant viruses
  • Growth and development of plants and their adaptation to environmental changes
  • Organelle (mitochondria and chloroplasts) biogenesis and coordination of the expression of the three genomes (nuclear, mitochondrial and plastidial). 

Research programs include functional genomics, genetics, molecular and cell biology and molecular enzymology.



Laurence Drouard


Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes (IBMP)
12 rue du Général Zimmer
67084 Strasbourg Cedex

Tél : 03 67 15 53 99


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