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Interdisciplinary thematic institutes | ITI

Fifteen Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI) have been set up at the University of Strasbourg. These ITIs, where innovative training is backed up by cutting-edge research, aim to better meet the scientific and societal challenges, in health and life sciences, sciences and technologies as well as in human and social sciences.

Find out more about the ITI programme in videos 


Launched in January 2021, the Interdisciplinary thematic institutes (ITI) are at the heart of the development strategy of the University of Strasbourg and are a major element in the overhaul of its research and training landscape. They fit into the continuity of graduate schools, in the wake of University Research Schools (EUR) and Laboratories of excellence (Labex).

In 2024, a mid-term evaluation carried out by an international jury renew 13 initial ITIs and approve two new projects for the second phase of the programme (2021-2028). Read the press release to find out more.


The Interdisciplinary thematic institutes (ITI) are part of the Initiative of Excellence (IdEx) jointly brought by the University of Strasbourg (Unistra), the National center for scientific research (CNRS) and the National institute of health and medical research (Inserm) and are co-financed as part of the french Great investment plan (GPI) or Future investments program (PIA).

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