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Tackling Sexism and Sexual Harassment at the University of Strasbourg

Speak out! Don’t keep quiet or feel you’re alone.

The university recognises that sexual harassment, sexist behaviour and homophobia can occur within the university community. The University of Strasbourg does not tolerate this kind of behaviour. Here are some initial points of contact to help you take action or respond, if you experience or witness this type of incident.

What is sexual abuse and sexual harassment?

Sexual violence and misconduct 

Art. L. 1142-2-1 of the French Labour Code states that “No-one should be subjected to sexual abuse, which is defined as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of violating someone’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.”

Sexual harassment

According to Article 222-33 of the French Penal Code introduced by Act No. 2012-954 of 6 August 2012 - Art. 1

 “I. - Sexual harassment is the act of repeatedly subjecting a person to unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct either compromises the victim’s dignity through demeaning or humiliating words or actions, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for the victim. 

 II. - Any form of intense pressure, even if not repeated, with the actual or perceived goal of obtaining sexual favours, whether for the offender or for a third party, is also considered sexual harassment.”

What should I do if I experience or witness an incident?

A counselling and support service (the VSSH Service) has been set up within the University of Strasbourg to help you deal with what's happened. It can also assist you in officially reporting the incident if you want to do so.

Contact: violences-sexistes@unistra.fr

This service includes doctors, psychologists and social workers, who will reply to you within 48 hours.

You can also find advice on how to gather the elements required to file a complaint on the AVFT (European Association Against Workplace Violence Against Women) website.

Below you will find a list of organisations offering help and support.

Resources and contacts

University Health Service (SSU)

 6 rue de Palerme - 67000 Strasbourg

 03 68 85 50 24

 Email: ssu@unistra.fr

 Website: sante.unistra.fr

 Facebook: www.facebook.com/sante.unistra/

University of Strasbourg Medical and Psychological Consultation Centre (CAMUS)

 6 rue de Palerme - 67000 Strasbourg

 03 88 52 15 51

 Email: camus@unistra.fr

 Website: www.camus67.fr

Preventive Medicine for Staff at the University of Strasbourg

 Doctors: 03 68 85 15 03 (Esplanade) / 86 37 (Illkirch) / Email: service.medical@unistra.fr

 Occupational psychologist: 03 68 85 12 50 / Email: psychologuedutravail@unistra.fr

Social Services for Staff at the University of Strasbourg

 Social worker: Véronique Henriot

 Telephone: 03 68 85 56 05

 Email: v.henriot@unistra.fr

Other places within Unistra where you can report a concern:

SOS Aide aux habitants [Citizen Support] - Association contracted to work with Unistra

 15 rue Schulmeister - 67100 Strasbourg

 03 88 79 79 30

 Email: secretariat@sos-aide-aux-habitants.fr

CROUS (Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires [Regional Centre for University and School Work])

 1 quai du Maire Dietrich - 67000 Strasbourg

 03 88 21 28 48

 Email: secretariat.social@crous-strasbourg.fr

 Website: www.crous-strasbourg.fr/aides-sociales/rencontrez-assistante-sociale/

Centre d'Informations aux Droits des Femmes et des Familles [Centre for Information on the Rights of Women and Families]

 24 rue du 22 Novembre  - 67000 Strasbourg

 03 88 32 03 22

 Email: strasbourg@cidff67.fr

 Website: http://basrhin.cidff.info

Planning familial [Family Planning]

 13 rue du 22 Novembre (entrance rue Hannong) - 67000 Strasbourg (03 88 32 28 28)

 6 rue du cygne - 67800 Bischheim (03 88 33 09 15)

 Email: mfpf67@wanadoo.fr

 Website: http://67.planning-familial.org

CLASCHES is a women’s association that fights against sexual harassment in higher education. CLASCHES is a student association. Its aims are to:

  • Increase the visibility of a reality that is too often hidden,
  • Share tools to help victims report an incident, know how to respond and do something about it!

Website: http://clasches.fr/

The AVFT is an independent women’s association which defends rights in the workplace and human dignity. Its sphere of activity and reflection encompasses all forms of violence against women, although it specialises in opposing sexism and sexual violence and misconduct in the workplace.

Website: http://www.avft.org/


Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights website. “Sexual harassment: you are now protected by law”

Website: http://stop-harcelement-sexuel.gouv.fr/

SOS aides aux habitants [SOS Citizen Support]

 Association bringing together experts in criminal law, social workers and psychologists.

 Telephone: 03 88 79 79 30

 Email: direction@sos-aide-aux-habitants.fr

AVFT Help Desk

AVFT (Association Européenne contre les Violences faites aux Femmes au Travail [European Association Against Workplace Violence Against Women])

Telephone: 01 45 84 24 24 (Monday to Friday 09:30am to 3:00pm) 

Useful documents

The University of Strasbourg’s Equalities Task Force

The Equality, Parity & Diversity Task Force works on behalf of all staff and students at the University of Strasbourg.

An Equality, Parity & Diversity Vice-President has been appointed to implement the university’s equalities policy.

Their role is to:

  • Ensure there is gender-equality in terms of recruitment, supervision and career development,
  • Identify and expose any recurring cases of inequality or any form of discrimination against university staff or students,
  • Ensure that everyone is aware of the issues of abuse of power, bullying and sexual harassment,
  • Aim to improve the quality of work life at the university with a clear work-life balance.

The task force is available to discuss any of the above matters. It can be contacted by email.

Equality, Parity & Diversity Vice-President: Isabelle Kraus

Email: egalite-parite@unistra.fr


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