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Sport and Social Sciences (E3S) - EA 1342

Key words

Sports – Physical activities – Humanities and Social sciences – Integration – Sporting policies and territories – Sports and business – Europe - Health


This research team aims to study sport in our contemporary society through the lens of sociology, history, management, anthropology and political science. The team has developed collaborative projects with research centres from various European universities including EUCOR members, and more recently with Québec universities.

Research focus

Research within the unit is focused on three main themes:

  • Integration, health and education
  • Territories and sports policies
  • Sports and business


Gilles Vieille-Marchiset


Équipe de recherche "Sport et sciences sociales" (E3S)
Faculté des sciences du sport
Bâtiment Le Portique
14 rue René Descartes
67084 Strasbourg Cedex 

Tél : 03 68 85 65 05


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