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European Dynamics (DynamE) - UMR 7367

Key words

European dynamics – Sociology – History of international relations – Ethnology – Migrations – Cross-border relations – Conflict analysis – Circulation of knowledge – Social innovations - Body


This research unit brings together sociologists, historians specialised in international relations, ethnologists and geographers. It focuses on the construction of a unified Europe as a process involving political institutions as well as civil societies. The research project offers an innovative contribution to the debates on European identity and extends it to the circulation of knowledge and norms and to movements of people in the European area. International migrations in Europe are analysed through contemporary themes, such as transnational networks, outward migration, and flow of refugees fleeing civil wars or disasters.

Research focus

DynamE's research activities are organised around several themes:

  • Opposition and hesitation towards European construction
  • Unification through conflicts: history, concepts, memory
  • Borders, cross-regionalism and stakeholders of European integration
  • Being European: body, health, turning points
  • Circulation of knowledge, beliefs and norms in Europe
  • Migrations, mobility, Europeanisation


Catherine Delacroix


5 allée du Général Rouvillois - CS 50008
67083 Strasbourg Cedex


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