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The nervous system facing environmental issues | NeuroStra

Focus on how normal and pathological nervous system adapts to environmental changes, thereby leading to advances in therapeutic strategies essential to health outcomes.


The NeuroStra Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute aims to structure the research and training programs of Strasbourg neuroscience teams around their internationally recognized scientific strengths: pain (NeuroPain), time processing in the nervous system (NeuroTime), and neurogenetic and neurodegenerative diseases (NeuroDegen).

Thematics and research challenges

  • Structure our community around a training and research policy of excellence in neuroscience
  • Engage in an active policy of recruiting young researchers
  • Increase cutting-edge technological resources and develop new tools and platforms to support our research projects
  • Promote innovative interdisciplinary projects, responding to societal challenges and involving local expertise in the fields of chemistry, health technology, drugs, neuroeconomics, language, art and ethics
  • Increase our local, national and international visibility
  • Engage our community in an open scientific policy, especially with regard to patient associations, businesses and the general public

Graduate program

Train the new generation of scientists in neurophysiology, neuropsychology and neuropathology, with expertise in pain, time processing in the brain or neurogenetic and neurodegenerative diseases.

neurosciences - psychiatry - psychology - life and health - chemistry - humanities - medicine - pharmacy - economics - engineering sciences

Students wishing to train as researcher or research assistant in neurosciences or neuropsychology.

Admission criteria

  • Master: Bachelor in Life Sciences or Psychology, or any equivalent training Motivation to do a PhD thesis, Minimum English level: B2.
  • PhD: Master in Life Sciences or Psychology, or any equivalent training. Minimum English level B2.

Application process

  • Master: Candidate selection by the pedagogical committee of the Faculty ofLife sciences Motivation to integrate Euridol or Neuro3P Selection during M1S1 by the NeuroStra training committee.
  • PhD: Under the responsibility of the NeuroStra training committee: Graduate of a Neuro3P or Euridol Master Application to an annual call for NeuroStra labeling Application to a national and international call for a NeuroStra thesis grant.

Virginie Laurent-Gydé

Institut des neurosciences cellulaires et intégratives | INCI (UPR 3212)

Neuropôle de Strasbourg (FRU 6701)


Pierre Veinante

Institut des neurosciences cellulaires et intégratives | INCI (UPR 3212)

Neuropôle de Strasbourg (FRU 6701)



Contact information

Valérie Simonneaux-Eve

Institut des neurosciences cellulaires et intégratives | INCI (UPR 3212)

Neuropôle de Strasbourg (FRU 6701)


Prof. Jean-Christophe Cassel

Laboratoire de neurosciences cognitives et adaptatives | LNCA) (UMR 7364)

Neuropôle de Strasbourg (FRU 6701)



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