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Mathematics, interactions and applications | IRMIA++

Combine advanced research in mathematics, computing, modelling, simulation and data science with applications to academic research and the socio-economic world.


ITI IRMIA++ brings together a research cluster and a master-doctorate training program, relying on 12 research teams and 9 master tracks. It encompasses all mathematicians at the University of Strasbourg, with partners in computer science and physics.

ITI IRMIA++ builds on the internationally renowned research in mathematics in Strasbourg, and its well-established links with the socio-economic environment. It promotes interdisciplinary academic collaborations and industrial partnerships.

A core part of the IRMIA++ mission is to realize high-level training through integrated master-PhD tracks over 5 years, with common actions fostering an interdisciplinary culture, such as joint projects, new courses and workshops around mathematics and its interactions.

Thematics and research challenges

IRMIA++ aims to:

  • promote high-level research and international collaborations, create opportunities for events, meetings and interactions of scientists of all horizons, around mathematics and their applications;
  • develop the mathematical theory and the numerical methods necessary for applications such as plasma physics, fluid mechanics, quantum mechanics, cavitating flows, biological tissues modeling, data analysis for biology and medicine, simulation of natural phenomena whose computer representation evolves dynamically in synergy with physics...
  • develop advanced software and scientific computing for applications such as : parallelization of scientific codes, fast prototyping of physical models, specification and proof of programmes, management of large databases and large astrophysical surveys;
  • meet the mathematical and computing challenges in data science, in particular for scientific visualization of large data from physical simulations or biomedical acquisitions;
  • promote knowledge transfer towards the private sector and develop new academic interdisciplinary collaborations;
  • develop scientific outreach around mathematics, computer science and mathematical physics.

Graduate program

The IRMIA++ training unites all specialties of the Mathematics master, several tracks in Computer Science, as well as the Astrophysics, Cell physics and Computational Engineering tracks in physics and physical engineering.

The preparation to the University Diploma (DU) IRMIA++ aims at training highly qualified researchers working in multidisciplinary fields (mathematics/computer sciences/physics, mathematics/computer science/medicine,...)

mathematics and their interactions - computer science - fluid mechanics - astrophysics

Students enrolled in one of the 9 associated master tracks, or doing a PhD thesis in one of the 12 research teams : students in mathematics with a strong curiosity for interactions and interdisciplinary research, students in physics or computer science interested in interfaces with mathematics and the use of mathematical tools.

Admission criteria

  • Master: Students who wish to preparer the IRMIA++ diploma must be enrolled in one of the 9 associated master tracks (via Campus France or ecandidat depending on the country of origin). The selection criteria include (in order of priority): academic results, motivation specific to the objectives of IRMIA++, any experience demonstrating the ability for interdisciplinary collaborations, and a potential to actively participate to the IRMIA++ activities.
  • PhD: Any PhD student working in one the associated research teams can ask for enrollment in the IRMIA++ diploma after agreement of the PhD advisor. The selection criteria are the same as above.

Application process

  • Master: Applications to the IRMIA++ diploma will include a CV, a cover letter, full transcripts, and name of references for recommendations. A short interview might be required.
  • PhD: PhD projects will be submitted by the researchers of the 12 associated teams for possible funding by IRMIA++. Interested students should contact the researchers as early as possible. Selection criteria will include the adaptation of the project to the IRMIA++ objectives, as well as the applicant's academic results.

Laurent Navoret

Faculty of mathematics and computer science


Nalini Anantharaman

Faculty of mathematics and computer science


Thematic interdisciplinary institute for research in mathematics, interactions and applications | IRMIA++



Contact information

Prof. Raphaël Côte

Faculty of mathematics and computer science



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