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Integrative molecular and cellular biology | IMCBio+

Create a unique biopole around advanced infrastructures to decipher the complexity of living organisms with promising applications to human health, agronomy and biotechnology.


The ITI IMCBio+ is built on the Graduate School IMCBio that was funded in 2017, and on four LabEx research excellence clusters federating five internationally recognized institutes associated with CNRS, Inserm and the University of Strasbourg.

This Biopole is based on a continuum between advanced student training and research, on interdisciplinary expertise at the interface of biology, on advanced infrastructures to decipher the complexity of living organisms and the mechanisms underlying human diseases, and to translate fundamental knowledge to impactful discoveries on human health, agronomy, and biotechnology.

Thematics and research challenges

Biologists face an ever-increasing accumulation of large datasets, which require the use of complex databases to extract specific information, as well as, the contribution of researchers from different disciplines with complementary skills to interpret and validate the amassed data. In addition, the technologies employed in molecular and cellular biology research are constantly evolving and increasing in complexity.

ITI IMCBio+ brings together a critical mass of researchers coming from diverse disciplines to tackle challenging projects in Biology. While the participating and internationally renowned LabEx INRT, NetRNA, MitoCross and HepSYS will be autonomous for their research programs, the ITI IMCBio+ structure will provide added value at several levels:

  • To provide a better coordination of student training through research at the Graduate School IMCBio
  • To facilitate transversal inter-LabEx collaborations and synergies (including inter-labEx funding for PhD students)
  • To organize workshops, seminars and training sessions on specific topics to discuss the opportunities and challenges of the LabEx consortia (i.e., Systems biology and machine learning, epigenetics and epitranscriptomics, integrated structural biology, transcription and translation and their regulation, mitochondria and pathologies)
  • To create bridges between complementary disciplines through workshops with the other ITIs  
  • To enhance funding leverage with the LabEx consortia to acquire new equipment, and to enhance PhD student training by accessing European instruments (Cofund, ITN…).

Graduate program

The IMCBio graduate school aims to educate the leading researchers of tomorrow, who will in turn share their scientific and soft skills to inspire others. Our ambition is to give the possibility to the new generation of students to build a unique expertise at the interfaces in biology.

genetics - molecular and cell biology - immunology - microbiology - virology, chemistry - biophysics - structural biology - computational sciences - translational medicine

You are a highly motivated candidate of academic excellence and you wish to be at the heart of a stimulating and interdisciplinary training program in biology.

Admission criteria

  • Master: Be accepted in one of the Life Science Master program from the University of Strasbourg
  • PhD: Holding a master degree in sciences and meet the admission requirements of the Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Health of the University of Strasbourg.

Application process

  • Master:
    • Master 1 program: application under ecandidat Strasbourg Select one of the Life Sciences Master program and tick the box IMCBio graduate school.
    • A few positions are also open to join the IMCBio graduate school at  Master 2 level. A form is to be filled online on the graduate school website: imcbio.unistra.fr/admission/
  • PhD: Application through the annual IMCBio PhD call: imcbio-phdprogram.unistra.fr

Solène Schmitt



Contact information

Pascale Romby

Architecture et réactivité de l’ARN (UPR 9022 – CNRS, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire)



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