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Drug discovery and development institute | IMS

Create a space for novel and unique innovations with advanced technology in the field of drug discovery, and development and preclinical validation, that will lead to start-up companies and therapeutic advances.


The Drug discovery and development institute (IMS) responds to the challenges of the drug industry: producing cutting-edge research up to the preclinical stage, promoting technological innovation through the creation of start-ups and training the new generation of researchers in management of drug innovation.

The IMS will succeed LabEx Medalis, it will be based on an integrated structure made up of 3 poles collaborating in close synergy: Medalis, its drug research pole, Euridis, its drug innovation management school, and Inedis, its start-ups incubator. Through its original model and the complementarity of its three structures, the IMS represent an integrated Drug Discovery Center.

Thematics and research challenges

The IMS aims to become:

  • an innovation space with know-how and advanced technologies in the field of Drug Discovery;
  • a crossroads of multiple disciplines in chemistry, biology, medicine, pharmacology and legal law;
  • a training space through specific lessons, the running of thematic schools, personalized mentoring;
  • a space for optimizing and coordinating existing technology transfer tools;
  • a space for the production of value and jobs through the creation of businesses and industrial partnership in connection with the regional economic fabric;
  • a space for sharing knowledge with society.

Graduate program

The goal is to train students in the issues related to the development from early stages of development to a preclinical proof of concept.

Training is provided by teacher-researchers and researchers (Unistra, CNRS, Inserm), but also by industrial partners working in the pharmaceutical sector and players in technology transfer.

The DDD (Drug Discovery and Development) challenge allows pairs of students, coached by industrial and academic mentors, to identify a therapeutic need and to build a research project that meets IMS requirements in terms of originality, innovation and transfer potential.

drug discovery (Research and development) - preclinical studies - multidisciplinary training - technology transfer - creation of start-ups

The training is open from Master 1 to students trained in chemistry, biology, biotechnology, physics and legal law (9 components of the University of Strasbourg, 7 Masters, 3 engineer degrees).

Admission criteria

  • Master: To be registered in one of the masters, or engineering diploma, of the IMS support. See diagram of the training courses concerned. Strong interest in interdisciplinarity and innovation.
  • PhD: Be registered in one of the 4 doctoral schools: ED 222 (Sc. Chemicals), ED 414 (Sc. Life and Health), ED 182 (Phys. And Chimie-Phys.), ED 101 (Sc. Legal)

Application process

  • Master: Application file / Selection after interview.
  • PhD: Competition as part of the DDD Challenge.

Prof. Laurence Sabatier


Involved entities


  • Biotechnologie et Signalisation Cellulaire | BSC (UMR 7242 CNRS – Université de Strasbourg)
  • Laboratoire d'innovation thérapeutique | LIT (UMR 7200 CNRS – Université de Strasbourg)
  • Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien | IPHC (UMR 7178 CNRS – Université de Strasbourg)
  • Laboratoire de conception et application de molécules bioactives | LCAMB (UMR 7199 CNRS – Université de Strasbourg)
  • Immunologie, Immunopathologie et Chimie Thérapeutique | I2CT (UPR 3572 CNRS)
  • Biopathologie de la myéline, neuroprotection et stratégies thérapeutiques (UMR_S 1119 Inserm – Université de
  • Plateforme de chimie biologique intégrative de Strasbourg | PCBiS (UMS 3286)

Faculties, school, institutes

  • Faculté de pharmacie
  • Faculté des sciences de la vie
  • Faculté de droit, sciences politiques et gestion
  • École supérieure de biotechnologie de Strasbourg | ESBS
  • École européenne de chimie, des polymères et matériaux | ECPM

Doctoral schools

  • Vie et Santé | ED 414
  • Sciences chimiques | ED 222
  • Physique et chimie-physique | ED 182
  • Sciences juridiques | ED 101

Instruments des Plans Investissement d’Avenir (PIA)

  • LabEx Médalis

Academic, associative or private partners

  • Academics: Université d’Aix- Marseille, Hôpitaux universitaires de Strasbourg, Institut de la santé du Luxembourg, University of Berne (Switzerland), University of Okayama (Japan) , Erasmus University Hospital Rotterdam (The Netherland), University of Québec, IRICoR (Canada)
  • Private: Sanofi, Novartis, Eurofins, Domain Therapeutics, Immupharma, Inoviem , Institut de recherches internationales Servier - Réseaux nationaux, Chembiofrance, Les entreprises dumédicament (LEEM), ProFI
  • Transfert de technologies : Biovalley France, SATT Conectus, SEMIA


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