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Information sciences and technology for healthcare | HealthTech

Exploit advanced digital technologies in imagery and diagnostics as a driver to improve health outcomes and driver for economic growth.


Progress in Healthcare relies on cutting-edge research and on highly trained scientists and engineers.

Within a unique environment in Biomedical Engineering, the HealthTech Institute aims at positioning the University of Strasbourg as a worldwide leading center in the field of assistance to medicine and surgery. To this purpose, this project will develop an ambitious research project in synergy with an international Master's Degree/PhD training program.

The HealthTech program relies on the fields of excellence of its partners (Medicine/Surgery, Robotics, Data Science and AI, IoT, Innovation and Creativity). It will focus simultaneously on the scientific and socio-economic challenges related to healthcare.

Thematics and research challenges

The HealthTech Institute aims at developing a pole of excellence in the field of innovation in Medicine, Digital Healthcare and Computer Assisted Interventions. To this purpose, the Institute gathers within the same project researchers in Engineering and Computer Sciences, medical doctors, economists and innovation actors.

It will foster translational research, by bringing to hospitals innovations that stem from research laboratories. The HealthTech Institute has the ambition to make groundbreaking contributions in medical practice, while questioning the process of innovation in this context.

Answering to these challenges requires excellent training and the emergence of a future generation of experts in many fast-growing fields such as Data Science, Medical Robotics and Imaging, or Internet of Things, among others.

Graduate program

TheHealthTech Institute will train young researchers in a strongly multidisciplinary environment composed of scientists, medical doctors and economic actors. Beyond the specific scientific skills they will acquire during their training, the students will be able to understand properly the stakes and challenges relative to their domain thanks to this interdisciplinary approach.

biomedical engineering - artificial intelligence (AI) - economics of innovation

  • Students in Engineering Sciences or in Computer Engineering, willing to evolve in the field of Healthcare
  • Medical students that are willing to engage in research and medical innovation
  • Students in Economics that are willing to pursue a career in the field of Innovation for Healthcare

Admission criteria

  • Master: from 2021, students with a Bachelor of Science and at least 2 successful semesters of studies at the Master level will be involved for a one year program; from 2022, students with a Bachelor of Science will also be involved for a two year program.
  • PhD: HealthTech MSc students and other French/international students with outstanding academic records.

Application process

  • Master: to be eligible, the candidate needs to have a complete application using the eCandidat platform (including a CV, a cover letter and full transcripts). A multidisciplinary test in English will be organized for preselected students. All applications will be reviewed by HealthTech executive committee and by the Master program board of directors. The final selection criteria include outstanding academic results, strong motivation, and a potential to actively participate to HealthTech research programs.
  • PhD: to be eligible, the candidate needs to have a complete application including a CV, a cover letter and full transcripts. Auditions will be organized for preselected students. The final selection criteria include outstanding academic results, strong motivation, and a potential to actively participate to HealthTech research programs.

Prof. Bernard Bayle

École d'ingénieurs Télécom physique Strasbourg | TPS



Contact information

Prof. Bernard Bayle

École d'ingénieurs Télécom physique Strasbourg | TPS



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