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Chemistry of complex systems | SysChem

Develop state of the art interdisciplinary research in supramolecular chemistry with fundamental applications to material science, renewable energy and sustainable development, therapeutics, drug delivery and healthcare.


Chemistry holds a central position at the cross-roads of basic sciences (physics & biology) and their technological applications (e.g. healthcare, materials, etc.). For Strasbourg, chemistry has always been a core strength, upholding its reputation of excellence in research and teaching. Consequently, in 2020 the Shanghai Academic World Ranking of Universities ranked Strasbourg N°1 in chemistry within the European Union. Over the past two decades, researchers in Strasbourg have been at the cutting-edge in the emerging field known as the Chemistry of Complex Systems (SysChem). They are using the framework of supramolecular chemistry and systems chemistry to enable far-reaching developments in more complex systems with emerging function. SysChem will induce deep technological advances which will transform traditional chemical and pharmaceutical industries by bringing considerable added value to the products and production methods. It should also help these industries adjust to new environmental standards.

Within the framework of the international SysChem graduate school (EUR SysChem), a significant effort will be devoted to prepare a new generation of researchers for these fundamental changes and its consequences for innovation, thereby creating the leaders of tomorrow for both academia and industry. The SysChem subject requires a solid background in various topics ranging from synthesis to theory, in contrast to the current trend of hyper-specialization. The program is designed to include much more hands-on laboratory experience during the Master years in order to strengthen the student’s autonomy. Through our close ties to industry, the students are exposed to the latest developments in industrial R&D through courses given by industrial partners. The EUR SysChem, with all courses in English, is highly selective at entry as all admitted students will be expected to complete a PhD.

Thematics and research challenges

The chemistry of complex systems (SysChem) is at the crossroad between chemistry, biology and medicine, physics, material science, nanoscience and sustainable development, in particular renewable energy production and “green” chemistry. Therefore, it will have a broad and deep impact on innovation in areas such as therapeutics, medical imaging, drug delivery, smart materials, devices for detection, procedures for decontamination, etc. Chemical and pharmaceutical industries will be strongly affected by the emergence of these new paradigms and will require the training of a new generation of scientists mastering these concepts and their implementation at various levels in the R&D value chain.

The 21st century will be that of chemistry of programmable functional complex molecular systems with high information content capable of adaptation and evolution. This will induce deep technological advances which will transform traditional chemical and pharmaceutical industries by bringing considerable added value to the products and production methods, leading to novel task specific materials, drugs and devices. It will also help these industries adjust to new environmental standards. Thus, this is an opportunity to strengthen French and European industries presently confronted with world-wide competition.

Graduate program


Students benefit not only from the broad education but also from being exposed to state-of-the-art research in one of the world's top chemistry research centres. Inter-disciplinarity and multi-disciplinarity will be favoured, in contact with cutting-edge research programs and R&D specific training.

The program is constructed to favour their integration into the labour market by exposing them to the most recent achievements in fundamental research and the world of industry. Particular emphasis is put on laboratory internships and student autonomy, based on a solid background and experience in research laboratories.

At the crossroad between chemistry, biology and medicine, physics, material science, nanoscience and sustainable development

This program is ment for international students: English as the only teaching language.

Admission criteria

  • Master: Bachelor in the field of chemistry or related subjects, a solid background in English (B2 level expected) and a strong interest to acquire professional knowledge in the field of Chemistry of complex systems
  • PhD: All admitted Msc students from the graduate school will be expected to complete a PhD. There is no direct admission for PhD students.

Application process

  • Master: Students from all countries are encouraged to apply. Then, based on track records, letters of motivation, and videoconference interviews, 10-15 students from all countries are selected. Particular attention is paid to their personality and to their motivation since a broad program composed of challenging M2-type courses is offered.
  • PhD: Petra Hellwig, grad-csc@unistra.fr

Involved entities


  • Institut de science et d’ingénierie supramoléculaires | ISIS (UMR 7006 CNRS-Université de Strasbourg)
  • Chimie de la matière complexe | CMC (UMR 7140 CNRS-Université de Strasbourg)
  • Institut de chimie | IC (UMR 7177 CNRS-Université de Strasbourg)
  • Institut Charles Sadron | ICS (UPR 22 CNRS)
  • Immunologie, immunopathologie et chimie thérapeutique | ICT (UPR 3572 CNRS-IBMC)
  • Laboratoire d'Innovation moléculaire et applications | LIMA (UMR 7042 CNRS-Université de StrasbourgUniversité de Haute-Alsace)
  • Laboratoire de bioimagerie et pathologies | LBP (UMR 7021 CNRS-Université de Strasbourg)

Faculties, school, institutes

  • Faculté de chimie

Doctoral school

  • Sciences chimiques | ED 222

Instruments des Plans Investissement d’Avenir (PIA)

  • LabEx chimie des systèmes complexes | CSC
  • Chemistry of complex systems international grad school (EUR CSC-IGS)

Academic, associative or private partners

  • Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn (CIRFC), Strasbourg


Contact information

Paolo Samori

Institut de science et d'ingénierie supramoléculaires (ISIS - UMR7006)



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