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Apply for doctoral studies

How to apply?

You hold a French research master's degree or a DEA

  • If you're registering for the first time, you need to apply by appointment from the 1st of September to 31st of October. Make an appointment

You hold an equivalent foreign degree / you are eligible for a VAE (validation of acquired experience)

You must apply through a derogatory procedure. The Doctoral School Council will examine and approve your application before you can complete your registration.


Direction de la Recherche - Département Formation Doctorale
Institut Le Bel - 1er étage (Bureau 142 et 144)
4 rue Blaise Pascal
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
Tél : +33 3 68 85 13 81/82 and +33 3 68 85 13 94/95

Email: dir-secretariat@unistra.fr

Thesis supervision

Whether you hold a French or a foreign master’s degree, it is your responsibility to find a PhD supervisor working in one of the university’s research units. Your joint application will be delivered to your doctoral school. Please contact your doctoral school to enquire about the application dates and deadlines.

Each doctoral student has to fill out and sign a PIF – Plan individuel de formation (Individual training project) upon his first enrolment. This document is drawn up during a meeting between the student and the doctoral school’s director. Each student is required to attend 108 hours of training during his doctoral studies. These hours are distributed between specific trainings offered by their doctoral school and cross-disciplinary trainings offered by the college.

Supporting documents

In all cases:

Whether you are registering for the first time or not, your application will only be complete after you sent the following supporting documents:

  • The personal facts form emailed to you when making your appointment or included in the online enrollment form
  • Photocopy of a valid identification document
  • 1 ID photo (2 if you want a Carte Culture, write your name on the back)
  • Photocopy of your contract of employment or proof of funding
  • Social security entitlement document (if necessary) and proof of liability insurance
  • Photocopy of your visa (if required)
  • Proof of enrolment if you are stimultaneously registering to a different institution
  • Payment of tuition fees for the academic year (if you haven't already paid online): € 396.10

First-time registration :

  • Description of the thesis topic written by the thesis supervisor (1 or 2 pages)
  • Doctorate Charter, signed by all participants (compulsory)
  • Copy of your Master's degree or a certificate of achievement 
  • Thesis declaration form

Students coming from a different university :

You need to ask your former university to transfer your academic record to Strasbourg. Your application will not be considered until the record has been transferred.


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