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Campus France: guiding you through your application process

Campus France is the French national agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services, and international mobility. It guides international students throughout their application in French higher education institutions.

Campus France's services

Promoting French higher education worldwide

Thanks to its global network of 200 Campus France Spaces, the agency informs international students about French higher education, guides them on their choice of training, helps them complete their application form and gain a visa. The agency keeps in touch with former students, particularly through France Clubs.

Supervising the mobility of students, researchers, French experts and guest stakeholders

The agency is in charge of the mobility of students benefitting from French government scholarships of researchers and experts on a mission and stakeholders invited to France. It is also in charge of managing scholarship programs from foreign governments and public and private institutions. With this, the agency works on several levels: designing training projects, positioning in institutions, linguistics training, reception and help to find housing, managing a students stay in France and following it up to gather feedback .

Backing up French institutions

Campus France supports higher education and research institutions in their international development through events of higher training promotion in France and overseas, reactions to international calls for tender, services for Campus France Forum members and studies and analysis on student mobility and higher education systems worldwide.


  • Find out the benefits of studying in France and information about the application process on campusfrance.org


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Logo du programme HRS4R
Logo du programme France 2030
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