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What to do in case of contact with someone who has tested positive for covid-19

Communication, information circuit

All Unistra staff and students who have tested positive are requested to report it immediately:

Via an online form (the information provided is for the sole use of the medical services). After completing the form, the student or staff member can print their answers (as proof that they have completed the form). The person may then be recontacted by the SSU (for students) or the SST (for staff), if they have not been contacted by the CPAM.

Case 1: A person has been in contact with a positive case and is experiencing symptoms:

  1. They must immediately leave their place of work or study, contact their GP and get tested as soon as possible: RT-PCR virological test in a medical analysis laboratory (list available on santé.fr). It is also possible to do a rapid antigen test if the symptoms began less than 4 days previously. However, if the contact person is over 65 and/or has risk factors for developing a severe form of the disease, and the rapid test result is negative, they should then take a PCR test.
  2. They must inform the SSU (for students) or the SST (for staff) via the online form for Unistra members, and the usual occupational health service contact details for CNRS and Inserm staff.  They will be contacted as soon as possible by health insurance, the ARS or the SSU/SST.
  3. They must notify their line manager or course director.
  4. In the meantime, if they feel well enough, they can continue to work remotely, in coordination with their manager if they are staff members, or their course director in the case of students; if not, they need to contact their GP to obtain a medical certificate or go to declare.ameli.fr.

Case 2: A person has been in contact with a positive case but is not experiencing symptoms:

If they fall into the category of high-risk contacts, they must isolate, get tested immediately, and on day 7 from the last contact with the case (day 17 if the positive person is in the same household), inform their contacts (contact warning) and monitor for symptoms.

If they fall into the category of moderate-risk contacts, they are not required to isolate, nevertheless, they must get tested immediately and on day 7 from the last contact with the case (day 17 if the positive person is in the same household), wear a mask in public, inform their contacts (contact warning), limit social contact and monitor for symptoms. During this period, they must avoid all contact with any unvaccinated person at risk of becoming seriously ill or any immunocompromised person irrespective of their vaccination status.

They must inform the SSU (for students) or the SST (for staff) via the online form for Unistra members, and the usual occupational health service contact details for CNRS and Inserm staff.

They will be contacted as soon as possible by health insurance, the ARS or the SSU/SST.

Case 3: A person has been in contact with an asymptomatic person who in turn has been in contact with a positive case

No particular measures need to be taken apart from wearing a mask and respecting the health and safety guidelines.

Who is at risk?

Anyone who has come into direct contact1 with a confirmed case in one of the following situations without effective means of protection2:

  • High-risk contact person: anyone who has not received a full course of primary vaccination OR is severely immunocompromised

  • Moderate-risk contact person: anyone who is not severely immunocompromised and who has received a full course of primary vaccination


  • who has had direct contact with a confirmed or probable Covid case, face-to-face, less than 2m apart, for any length of time (e.g. in conversation, while eating, physical contact). However, people briefly encountered in public, even without masks, are considered to be negligible-risk contacts, or;

  • has provided or received hygiene procedures or treatment to or from a confirmed or probable case, or;

  • has shared an indoor space (office or meeting room, personal vehicle, restaurant table etc.) for at least 15 minutes consecutively or in total over 24 hours with a confirmed or probable case, or has been face-to-face with a confirmed or probable case during several bouts of coughing or sneezing.

Negligible-risk contact person:

  • anyone infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus within the last 2 months;

  • all other contact situations.

1 The contact must have occurred between 48 hours before the onset of symptoms and the beginning of isolation

2Effective means of protection are defined as follows:

  • Physical separation isolating the contact person from the confirmed or probable Covid case by creating two independent spaces (glass screen, Hygiaphone®);
  • Surgical or FFP2 mask, or general public 90% filtration masks (corresponding to AFNOR category 1), worn by the confirmed or probable case OR the contact person.

The following are not considered to be effective means of protection: a Plexiglas panel placed on a counter; “home-made” cloth masks that do not meet the AFNOR SPEC S76-001 standards, category-2 cloth masks and transparent plastic visors worn alone.

Restarting work/returning to the workplace

Health insurance and/or the GP define(s) the duration of sick leave and/or isolation.

For positive cases with symptoms, isolation is for 10 days from the date of onset of symptoms and the last 48 hours must be without fever.

For people who have no symptoms and who are considered to be high-risk contacts, isolation is for 7 days if the test result on day 7 is negative.


Good to know

Downloading the mobile application TousAntiCovid is helpful to get quickly informed in case you have had contact with someone who has tested positive for covid-19


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