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Unistra celebrates young scientific talents

Publication date: 23/10/15


Fourteen young researchers with high-potential projects were recognized during a ceremony held on 16 October at the University.

Ten of these valuable young talents were awarded the scientific prize « Les Espoirs de l'Université de Strasbourg » (« University of Strasbourg’s hopes »), which is part of the Excellence Initiative’s “Talent management” programme. President Alain Beretz thanked them for their contribution to Unistra’s outreach and reputation, reminding the audience that “ individual excellence is a source of pride for the whole university community”. Vice-president in charge of research and doctoral studies Catherine Florentz underlined the “complementary aspects of the research fields” and the “positive impulse provided by these awards to the community”. Research unit directors briefly presented the laureates’ academic and professional achievements, which reflected bright career paths and an ability for interdisciplinary work. Two junior members of the University Institute of France (IUF) and two laureates of the European Research Council were also awarded. Applicants for the prize « Les Espoirs de l'Université de Strasbourg », which is worth € 10,000, must meet the following eligibility criteria : being under 42, having worked within one of Unistra’s research unit for 6 to 10 years, being a lecturer, researcher or staff, not being a recipient of the ERC, the IUF or of any chair, and not being a USIAS fellow. The commission received 34 applications this year. Candidates can apply until 16 February 2016.


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