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Reuters Top 100 : Unistra ranked 88th most innovative university

Publication date: 27/10/15


On 15 September 2015, Reuters News published for the first time a ranking of the world’s top 100 innovative universities. The University of Strasbourg is part of 8 French universities to appear in the ranking.

Last August, Unistra was ranked 87th in the Shanghai Ranking, and was the only French university outside Paris to be included in the top 100. While the Shanghai Ranking reflected fundamental research excellence, this new ranking shows how research impacts our ability to innovate. The criteria focused on academic papers and patent filings between 2008 and 2013, and their occurrences until July 2015. According to Thomson Reuters, the University of Strasbourg filed 166 patents or patent families between 2008 and 2013, mostly in the fields of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals (28.7%), chemistry ( 17%), medical technology and healthcare (10.1%). Furthermore, still according to the ranking, results of over 74%  of the research carried out in Unistra’s laboratories have been applied to research and development projects and therefore had a commercial impact.


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