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France and Germany support the "European Campus" project

Publication date: 15/07/15


The "European Campus" project, which brings the universities of Strasbourg, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Basel and Upper Alsace together, has received the support of the French Secretary for European Affairs Harlem Désir and his German counterpart Michael Roth.

A conference on cross-border cooperation between France and Germany took place on Tuesday, 7 July in Metz at the suggestion of Harlem Désir and Michael Roth, Deputy Minister for European Affairs. Two years after the Saarbruck Conference (2013), this event gathered several elected representatives and civil society players.
The President of the University of Strasbourg Alain Beretz and the University of Freiburg's Rector and Eucor president Hans-Johchen Schiewer were present. The highlight of the conference was the reassertion of the importance of cross-border university cooperation and the support provided to the European Campus project between the universities of Strasbourg, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Basel and Upper Alsace. This support was formalised through the signing of the Metz Declaration on cross-border cooperation between France and Germany.  


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