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European Summer School 2015: an introduction to modern Physics of light

Publication date: 24/06/15


The European Summer School of the University of Strasbourg is a prestigious one-week meeting of students from all over Europe. They present their research projects and attend lectures on some of the most recent topics in physics presented by internationally renowned scientists.

Light is around us every day, providing energy for life, contrast and beauty in our landscapes and in our art, tools for amazing technological progress, and a fascinating challenge for scientists. This Summer School will provide insights into the intriguing double nature of light (electromagnetic wave and particle), and into the ways light can be exploited to explore nature from the tiniest scales to stars and the cosmos.
Students will get an overview of the interactions between light and matter, and see detailed examples of how the understanding of these interactions helps inventing new technologies or manipulating the radiation itself. The Summer School will take place from 5 to 11 July. Please note: participants are expected to have validated at least 3 years of university studies in physics in order to be able to follow the lectures.


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