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Journalism students back from trip to Khazakhstan

Publication date: 19/06/15


For the past 20 years, students of Unistra’s School of Journalism (Cuej) have been completing their training with an immersion trip in a foreign country. This year, they travelled to Khazakstan.

During their trip to Kazakhstan from 3 to 30 May, Strasbourg’s journalism students worked collaboratively with four universities and the Alliances Françaises of Almaty and Astana. A special edition of the school’s magazine, « La fabrique du Kazakhstan », was dedicated to the emergence and development of the country, 24 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The biggest country in Central Asia, stuck between Russia and China, Kazakhstan has undeniable assets: a rich subsoil, a higher level of GDP per capita than its neighbours’, dynamism and enthusiasm. Through a web documentary  - « L'éveil des steppes - sept périples au Kazakhstan » -, the students addressed the question of historical and geographical migrations of the various nationalities populating the country. They also reported on 24 years-old Kazakhstanis  who were born the year their country became independent in « Les enfants de l'indépendance ». While their parents grew up under the authority of Moscow, 1990s children became adults in an authoritarian but liberal state wishing to find its niche in the world. Today, Kazakhstani youths are experiencing Islam at the same time as religious freedom, becoming part of a growing middle-class and forging their own identity.    Photo: Raphaëlle Taquard


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