Publication date: 24/11/14
Some of the world’s leading research university associations gathered in Leiden (NL) to discuss and stress the importance of Social Sciences and Humanities research in a globalized world. SSH research is also the topic of the new LERU brochure.
At its 27th Rectors’ Assembly on 14 and 15 November at the University of Milan, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) presented a new brochure which showcases some examples of high quality interdisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research undertaken at the LERU member institutions.
Emphasizing the necessity of Social Sciences and Humanities research for finding efficient and long lasting responses to many problems society faces, is an important message in the “Leiden Statement” on SSH research, which was signed and published on November 21 at the global meeting on SSH at Leiden University. This meeting was attended by members of seven global research-intensive university networks (AAU, AEARU, GO8, LERU, RU11, Russell Group and the U15 Canada), including Alain Beretz, president of the University of Strasbourg and Chair of LERU.
- Download the brochure : SSH and interdisciplinary research, a showcase of excellent research projects from LERU universities
- PDF press release
- More information: