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Consolidating interdisciplinary education at the University of Strasbourg

Publication date: 27/01/20


The University of Strasbourg has announced the 15 winners of the development programme for Instituts thématiques interdisciplinaires (Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes - ITIs) of research and teaching. By creating these ITIs, the University of Strasbourg, in partnership with the CNRS and the Inserm, is consolidating its long-term policy in favour of interdisciplinarity and of strengthening the connection between teaching and research.

On Tuesday 7 January 2020, Michel Deneken, the president of the University of Strasbourg, revealed the identity of the winning Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI), in the presence of Antoine Petit, chief executive officer of the CNRS, and Gilles Bloch, chief executive officer of the Inserm.

The 15 projects below have been certified as Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes:

Certification for a period of 8 years (2021-2028)

  • CSC - Interdisciplinary Institute for Chemistry of Complex Systems
  • G-Eau-Te - Interdisciplinary Institute for Geosciences for Energy System Transition: Exploiting Deep Groundwater
  • Health Tech - Interdisciplinary Institute for Information Sciences and Technology for Healthcare
  • HiSAAR - Interdisciplinary Institute for History, Sociology, Archaeology and Anthropology of Religions
  • IMCBio - Interdisciplinary Institute for Integrative Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • IMS - The Strasbourg Interdisciplinary Drug Discovery and Development Institute
  • IRMIA++ - Interdisciplinary Institute for Research in Mathematics, Interactions and Applications
  • LETHICA - Interdisciplinary Institute for Ethics, Literature and Arts
  • MAKErS - Interdisciplinary Institute for MAKing European Society
  • QMat - Interdisciplinary Institute for Quantum Science and Nanomaterials
  • TRANSPLANTEX NG - Strasbourg Interdisciplinary Institute for Precision Medicine

Certification for a 4-year trial period (2021-2024):

  • GRIAMI - Interdisciplinary Institute for the Musical and Inter-artistic Act
  • HiFunMat - Interdisciplinary Institute for Hierarchical and Functional Materials
  • InBio - Interdisciplinary Institute for Integrative Biopharmaceutical and Biomedical Research
  • NeuroStra - Interdisciplinary Institute for the Nervous System Facing Environmental Issues: from adaptation to pathologies

Furthermore, special support will be given for a 4-year period to the two projects below to support the structuring process:

  • ILC: University of Strasbourg Research Federation “Institute of Language and Communication”
  • ISY: University of Strasbourg Research Federation “Institute for Sustainability - Interdisciplinary Research, Education and Transfer for Sustainable Socio-Ecosystems”

Learn more about the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes


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