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Concrete cooperation

Publication date: 19/06/18


As part of the call for projects Seed Money, Eucor - The European Campus has granted initial funding to eight projects in the fields of research and training, for a total budget of EUR 300,000. Focus on two of these research projects carried by the University of Strasbourg which now open new paths of cooperation between member universities.
Combining three areas of expertise to innovate One of the Research and Innovation projects funded under the call for projects Seed Money consists of creating a cross-border scientific network, under the direction of the University of Strasbourg in cooperation with Friborg and Basel, in the field of computer-aided materials research. The partners will study new solid-fluid interfaces to develop double layer electronic transistors with a charge density 100 times higher than conventional transistors. " Each of the three teams has different expertise and complementary know-how for modeling on an atomic scale; the idea is to combine them to understand the fundamental science of the hybrid interface at the base of these devicesexplains Guido Ori, research fellow at the Institute of Physics and Materials Chemistry in Strasbourg and project leader. It is a question of combining these interdisciplinary levels of expertise as well as the high performance computing capabilities of the consortium to obtain quantitative results that we could use to address this multidimensional challenge. " The EUR 47,250 obtained have made it possible to recruit a fixed-term contract to consolidate and facilitate the exchanges between the laboratories during the 18 months of the project. Towards a Rhenish centre of medieval studies The 'Mutualization and internationalisation of the training offer in medieval science in Strasbourg, Friborg and Basel' project is based on an existing cooperation between the master of interdisciplinary medieval studies in Strasbourg and the Mittelalterzentrum in Friborg. " I proposed to set up a project integrating Basel, which hosts many medieval researchers " said Isabel Iribarren, a professor of medieval history and philosophy at the Unistra Catholic School of Theology and project leader. The idea is to create close links between existing programs by organising joint seminars, so that students benefit from interdisciplinarity while strengthening their language skills. Part of the EUR 30,000 obtained via Seed Money is intended to recruit students to set up language tutorials. A project coordinator will also be recruited to manage the organisation and logistics of events. " This funding is a first seed to set the stage and launch something more ambitious. For us it is a chance to consolidate and regularise exchanges and to take advantage of the geographical location of Strasbourg and the Rhenish values ​​of the European campus to create a Rhenish centre of medieval studies”.


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