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2017 – a year in mathematics

Publication date: 19/10/16


The mathematic calendar 2017 is out and available in the library. It provides a daily mathematic challenge every day to keep your grey matter trained from January throughout December.

This year, the researchers Antoine Rousseau and Marcela Szopos take you on the discovery of fluid models: From our rivers’ water down the mathematic road to the air we breathe and on to other daily phenomena of mathematics. 28 illustrated pages - ISBN: 978-2-86820-938-2 - 15 € - available in libraries or command it online on the page of PUS.

MATHCAL – One math challenge every week

On 14 October, the Presse Universitaires de Strasbourg’ first app was released officially. Inspired by the mathematic calendar, MathCal provides you with a mathematical brainteaser once a week as well as with exercises to train and to challenge the others. It is available for Google Play or in the AppStore. Loving Maths ? Download MathCal, the first mathematical game with one awesome challenge once a week! You have got 7 days to find the solution, on your own or with the help of others. Inbetween, play & exercise with the Math Application Trigonometry, geometry, algebra, with MathCal, your grey matter is challenged! Well-known mathematicians and the Presses universitaires de Strasbourg enable you to face this mathematical challenge. It is easy: download and open the application to will receive a weekly notification announcing the new challenge. It is interactive. You can ask friends and compare your results with those of the rest of the MathCal community. A stalk of logic, cerebral training, and mathematical spirit is all you need to be the best in MathCal.


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