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Unistra’s School of Journalism reporting in China

Publication date: 09/06/16


For over twenty years, Unistra’s journalism students have been given the opportunity to spend a month abroad at the end of their studies. This year, 45 of them traveled to China to report on the country’s changes, paradoxes and contrasts.

“The world’s biggest factory and megalopolis and, for a long time, the heart of global growth”: the stage of the future journalists’ destination is set. For the whole month of May 2016, they carried their cameras, notebooks and recorders throughout the country; from Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong, to Hong Kong and Macao. They came back with a fresh look on a sometimes fantasized country, which they share through various media: long-format videos, a printed magazine and web documentary along with a wide range of illustrations, maps and computer graphics. The report On the shoulders of the one child depicts the reframing of the communist authorities’ flagship policy, while the web-documentary The ogre of Guangdong focuses on local food habits in this context of profound change. The report Inventing Machine and the special edition of the magazine News d’Ill explore one of the deltas of the Pearl River, at the crossroad between the economic miracle and the quest for a new growth model. This extensive work might never have seen the light without the participation of the students of Sun Yat-sen University ‘s School of Communication and Design.


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