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Students from member universities of Eucor - The Eucopean Campus

If you are a student at the universities of Karlsruhe, Basel or Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Eucor – The European Campus cooperation agreements give you the opportunity to study at the groupement's member universities. If you wish to come to Strasbourg, there are many options available.

The European Grouping of Terrirotial Cooperation (EGTC) “Eucor – The European Campus” brings together 5 higher education institutions from 3 cross-border countries:

Students enrolled in one of the five universities are part of a trinational campus which allows them to:

  • Enrol in joint courses of study in one or several member universities (without paying additional fees)
  • Benefit from a wide range of services on the member universities' campuses, such as access to university libraries and restaurants.

Binational/Trinational courses

The member universities offer several common curricula and allow students to go on exchange for at least one semester at a partner university. These curricula will give you the opportunity to follow a class or modules offered by the University or Strasbourg jointly by partner universities.

1. Register directly with your home university
2. Contact the University of Strasbourg's International Relations Office to complete a Eucor -The European Campus administrative form (pascale.ranson@unistra.fr)

Design your own course of study

With the agreement of your course director, it is possible to attend a conference or to complete an optional module in the University of Strasbourg.

  1. Find a course from our course listing, as far in advance as possible (for example: in March for a course in September)
  2. Contact the person in charge of Eucor – The European Campus mobility at your home university : (International office / international Coordinator of your faculty):
    • You need to validate your project together to make sure the modules you follow in Strasbourg are recognised within your course of studies
    • Ask for the Eucor - The European Campus card to the International Office of your university
  3. Enquire about entry requirements to the international relations contact person of the University of Strasbourg's faculty, school of institute you will be studying in 
  4. You will receive an email with from Pascale Ranson with a link to the application. Apply online, then print and sign the PDF form you will receive by e-mail. Add a copy of your Eucor - the European Campus card.
  5. E-mail it to Pascale Ranson : pascale.ranson@unistra.fr
  6. Enrol in the University of Strasbourg as an exchange student

Good to know

Upon your arrival in Strasbourg, please contact the international relations office to organise your stay with us: 

Pascale Ranson  - Direction des Relations Internationales 
22 Rue René Descartes – bâtiment le Patio – bat.5 – 3e étage 

Email: dri-students-exchange-in-europe@unistra.fr

Please note: If you are studying at the Faculty of Law, The Institute of Political Studies, EM Strasbourg or the IUT Robert Schulman, please contact directly the people listed below.

● Faculty of Law: droit-erasmus@unistra.fr

● Institute of Political Sciences : Mme Michelle BENOIT

● EM Strasbourg: M. Julien MASSON

● IUT Robert Schuman: iutrs-ri@unistra.fr


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