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Bringing your family


Spouses of researchers coming with a Passeport Talent Chercheur can benefit from a Passeport Talent Famille, which allows to work once in France. The application for the visa must be done with the consulate of France in their country of origine (see France-Visas) ; the residence permit application once in France must be done on the ANEF website.


  • Underage children of researchers with a valid Passeport-Talent chercheur (and Passeport-Talent Famille for their spouse) do not need a residence permit.

However, if the parents want to travel outside of France (including into Schengen) with their children, they will need a DCEM (Document de Circulation pour Étranger Mineur - travel document for underage children). The application must be done on the ANEF website.


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