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The Franco-German University

The Franco-German University is a network of French and German higher education institutions founded in 1997. It aims to strengthen cooperation between France and Germany in the fields of further education and research.


The Franco-German University seeks to:

  • Enhance bi-national cooperation in higher education and research
  • Support student mobility between partner institutions
  • Develop a broad range of French-German joint degrees and courses
  • Provide students with intercultural bi-national skills
  • Support doctoral students and researchers, notably by developing joint doctoral training and by networking experienced researchers

Facts and Figures

  • 175 establishments
  • 6000 students
  • 166 Franco-german courses
  • 22 Franco-German doctoral colleges
  • 80 university cities
  • 1200 graduates each year


Logo du CNRS
Logo Établissement associé de l'Université de Strasbourg
Logo du réseau Epicur
Logo de EUCOR, Le Campus européen
Logo de l'Inserm Grand Est
Logo de l'Inria


Logo du label Bienvenue en France
Logo du programme HRS4R
Logo du programme France 2030
Logo de Service Public+
Logo du Label DDRS


Logo de France Universités
Logo de la Ligue européenne des universités de recherche (LERU)
Logo du réseau Udice
Logo de l'Université franco-allemande