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Driving in France

Your right to drive in France will vary according to where you obtained your driving licence, whether you hold a residence permit or not, and if agree- ments exist between France and your country.

For more information visit bas-rhin.gouv.fr

  • European Union driving licence: you are allowed to use it in France freely.
  • Owners of a residence permit: you have the right to drive with your national driving licence throughout the length of your studies.
  • Other cases: you can drive in France for 1 year only, using your national driving licence (under conditions). After one year, you will have to change it for a French driving licence (if an agreement exists with your country) or take the practical driving-test again in France.

Car sharing

"Citiz Alsace" is a service for sharing cars that provides you with cars within reach whenever you need it.

Good to know

Citiz Alsace
Agence Strasbourg (siège)
5 rue Saint-Michel
67000 Strasbourg
+33 (0)3 88 237 347


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