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The presidency

The Chairperson

The Chairperson is elected by an absolute majority of the board members, by secret ballot. Their mandate corresponds to that of the board of directors and the other boards: it lasts four years, and can be renewed once.

The Chairperson presents an annual report to the board of directors. The Chairperson is a teacher-researcher, researcher, professor or lecturer, associate or guest, or any other similar member of staff.

Throughout their term of office, they propose the vice-chairpersons, voted in by the majority of the active members of the boards, including a student, whom they have chosen from the members of the university community, and for whom they specify the respective roles.

E-mail: president@unistra.fr

Michel Deneken, Professor, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Chairperson
E-mail : deneken@unistra.fr

The Vice-Chairpersons

Senior Vice Chairperson, Vice Chairperson Appreciation and relations with the socio-economic world

Michel de MathelinProfessor, Télécom Physique Strasbourg

E-mail : demathelin@unistra.fr

Vice Chairperson Research, Doctoral Training and Open Science

Rémi Barillon, Professor, Faculté de chimie

E-mail : remi.barillon@unistra.fr

Vice Chairperson Strategies and Developments

Catherine Florentz, Professor, Faculté des sciences de la vie

E-mail : c.florentz@unistra.fr

Vice-Chairperson Human Resources and Social Policy

Elisabeth Demont, Professor, Faculté de psychologie

E-mail : elisabeth.demont@unistra.fr

Vice-Chairperson Finance

Frédérique Berrod, Professor, Sciences Po Strasbourg

E-mail : f.berrod@unistra.fr


Vice-Chairperson Digital policy and quality approach

François GauerProfessor, Faculté des sciences de la vie

E-mail : gauer@inci-cnrs.unistra.fr

Vice-Chairperson Europe and International Relations

Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger, Professor, Faculté des langues

E-mail : jacoberg@unistra.fr

Vice-Chairperson Academic Partnerships and Governance

Jean-Marc Planeix, Professor, Faculté de chimie

E-mail : planeix@unistra.fr

Vice-Chairperson Heritage

Nicolas Matt, Professor, Faculté des sciences de la vie

E-mail : n.matt@unistra.fr

Vice-Chairperson Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility

Laurent Schmitt, Professor, Faculté de géographie et d'aménagement

E-mail : laurent.schmitt@unistra.fr

Vice-Chairperson Equality, Parity, Diversity

Isabelle Kraus, Lecturer, Ecole de chimie, polymères et matériaux - Faculté de physique et ingénierie

E-mail : isabelle.kraus@unistra.fr

Vice-Chairperson University hospital and territorial health policy

Jean Sibilia, University Professor - Hospital Practitioner in Rheumatology, Faculté de médecine - Hôpitaux universitaires de Strasbourg

E-mail : jean.sibilia@unistra.fr

The office

Chief of Staff: Jérôme Castle

Office manager: Anne-Isabelle Bischoff


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