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Outgoing mobility

Students, PhD-students, professors and administrative employees have the possibility to study, do research or work at one of the partner universities of Eucor – The European Campus, provided that their studying or professional project has been worked out in advance with the sending university (faculty, doctoral college, research laboratory or their director)


Choice of mobility

Student mobility

Temporary mobility

A stay from a month on to a year in one oft he partner universities is called student mobility.

Delays: the application for the  following first term has to be handed in between April and mid June and for the second term before February 2017

Students freely choose different classes at the partner university in order to work out their programme.

Delays: it is necessary to take the different steps at least two months before the start of the term.

Four main steps to be followed:

Have a look at the courses list of the different universities and contact the person responsible for the class you are interested in to learn about the enrolment guidelines for European Campus’ students.

* The French universities do not dispose of a detailed list of courses, as do the German and Swiss partners. That is why you should contact the faculty’s responsible for international relations (CoRI).

As soon as you decided on the classes you want to attend to, you should contact the correspondent for international relations (CoRI) of your faculty to have your mobility project validated. The list of Unistra-CoRI ist available here.

Student mobility: Unistra’s students can use this link to put together their application documents online. This application works as well as demand for financial support for the mobility. You should join all necessary certificates (studying certificate of the on-going semester, your studying programme signed by the CoRI-responsible with a volume of 30 ECTS-points as well as two original RIB (relevé d’identité bancaire, banking certificate with IBAN and BIC)) to the automatically generated document and transfer it to the DRI.

Temporary mobility: finish your online application with this link. If you intend to apply for travelling allowance, please transfer page 2-5 of the « Dispositif Eucor ponctuel » correctly filled in and signed by the CoRI, a studying certificate of the on-going semester and two original RIB (relevé d’identité bancaire, banking certificate with IBAN and BIC) to the DRI.

No matter what kind of mobility you chose, your contact at the DRI is:

Bourses Eucor (dri-bourses@unistra.fr)

Université de Strasbourg / Maison Universitaire Internationale

Direction des Relations Internationales

11 Presqu’Ile Malraux / 67100 STRASBOURG

It is mandatory to enrol in the partner university, also to enable you to use the infrastructure and services (cafeteria, university library, sport, etc.)

  • University of Basel: Fill in the application form (Erstregistrierung* and Belegschein*1) and show them with your student card at the Studiensekretariat*2.
    Once your enrolment is completed, you will receive all the necessary information to activate you mail account.
    Delays: not later than four weeks after the term’s start.
  • University of Freiburg: Fill in the Antrag auf Registrierung and bring it, as well as a Unistra student certificate and a  passport photograph to the International Admissions and Services du Service-Center Studium*3.#
    Delays: enrolment from June 1 to October 31 for the winter term and from January 15 to April 30 for the summer term.
  • Karlsruhe Institute for Technology: Enrol online with this link as „Zeitstudent“ / „Keine Abschlussprüfung“. Hand in your filled in application form (move.in, with a  passport photograph, a student certificate and your student identity card) to Ms Haas at the International Students Office (IstO)*4. Your KIT student identity card and you account information will be sent to you a week later.

IMPORTANT: You do not have to pay any enrolment fees at the partner university.

* This document allows you to enrol at the students’ secretary. Please mind that you mustn’t fill it in more than once even if you decide to spend a following semester abroad.

*1 In this document, you fill in the classes you intend to attend

*2 Universität Basel Studiensekretariat,
Petersplatz 1, Postfach,
CH- 4001 Basel
Tel. +41 61 267 30 23 (Monday-Friday, 9.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.)

*3 Service-Center Studium, Studierendensekretariat,
Sedanstr. 6
D-79098 Freiburg
Tel. +49 761 203 4246 (Monday-Thursday 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. and Thursday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.)

*4 IStO – International Students Office,
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT),
Campus Süd, Gebäude 50.20, room 108,
Adenauerring 2,
D-76131 Karlsruhe
(Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.)

Student mobility: Transfer the following documents to the DRI once your mobility has ended:

Temporary mobility: Transfer the following documents to the DRI

  • Attendance certificate (p. 5 of the form “Dispositif Eucor ponctuelle
  • Your original tickets if you applied financial support for your mobility.

PhD students in a transversal doctoral programme with one of the partner universities

It is mandatory to enrol in the partner university, also to enable you to use the infrastructure and services (cafeteria, university library, sport, etc.)

  • University of Basel: Fill in the application form (Erstregistrierung* and Belegschein*1)  and show them with your student card at the Studiensekretariat*2.
    After your enrolment is completed, you will receive all the necessary information to activate you mail account.
  • University of Freiburg: Fill in the Antrag auf Registrierung and bring it, as well as a Unistra student certificate and a passport photograph, to the International Admissions and Services du Service-Center Studium*3.
    Delays: enrolment from June 1 to October 31 for the winter term and from January 15 to April 30 for the summer term.
  • Karlsruhe Institute for Technology: Enrol online with this link as „Zeitstudent“ / „No final degree“. Hand in your filled in application form (move.in, with a passport photograph, a student certificate and your student identity card) to Ms Haas at the International Students Office (IstO)*4. Your KIT student identity card and you account information will be sent to you a week later.

IMPORTANT: You do not have to pay any enrolment fees at the partner university.

* This document allows you to enrol at the students’ secretary. Please mind that you are not allowed to fill it in more than once even if you decide to spend a following semester abroad.

*1 In this document, you fill in the classes you intend to attend.

*2 Universität Basel Studiensekretariat,
Petersplatz 1, Postfach,
CH- 4001 Basel
Tel. +41 61 267 30 23 (Monday-Friday, 9.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.)

*3 Service-Center Studium, Studierendensekretariat,
Sedanstr. 6
D-79098 Freiburg
Tel. +49 761 203 4246 (Monday-Thursday 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. and Thursday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.)

*4 IStO – International Students Office,
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT),
Campus Süd, Gebäude 50.20, room 108,
Adenauerring 2,
D-76131 Karlsruhe
(Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.)

Professors and researchers

Teaching or further education mobility Erasmus+

Idex mobility

A stay of at least two consecutive days up to two months in a university institution or a European company.

The Professor or researcher works out her/his programme at a university or a company in her/his country of choice.

Each project has to be justified by an invitation at the welcoming institution.


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