Higher education and university days

This 40th edition will allow secondary school students to define their study and career path and to explore opportunities. 130 exhibitors will present over 700 of courses and trainings to the 20 000 visitors expected to attend this major career guidance event in the Alsace region.
4 and 5 februaryRegional university open days

The University of Strasbourg and the Université de Haute-Alsace will give visitors the opportunity to meet lecturers, students and university staff, to explore the campuses and to find out more about student life.
12 marchOpening ceremony of the International University House (MUI)

Since its opening in November 2015, the International University House provides a wide range of services adapted to the needs of students, university staff and researchers from all around the world. The official opening ceremony will take place on 4 April.
4 aprilInauguration of the European Campus

After signing the founding documents for the “European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation” in November 2015, the universities of Basel, Freiburg-am-Brisgau, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg and the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie will celebrate the inauguration of the European Campus. This trinational alliance will enhance cooperation and the development of joint projects between its 5 member institutions.
11 may« Identités complexes » symposium

In 2016, a new visual language will be implemented at the University of Strasbourg. It will include a tailor-made typography, pictograms, an easily transferable and reproducible identification system and a glossary, making Unistra a coherent and legible university. This unique project will be presented to the public during a symposium.
30 may – 1st june