An academic year full of events


Several events of the University of Strasbourg, traditional and exceptional, are going to structure the months to come. Save the dates.

10-16 October

Celebration of science

Celebration of science

This year’s event of scientific mediation for the wide public can blow out its 25 candles. Exhibitions, entertainment programmes, conferences and scientific experiments will allow you to peep behind the scenes of science.

12-13 October

International Mobility Days

International Mobility Days

All your questions around your academic stay abroad will be answered during these days of international mobility. The asset of this meeting? You can take advice from former exchange students who will share their study abroad experience.

November second half



The employees (17 November) and the students (22 and 23 November) are being asked to go to the polls to elect a new board of directors which then elects a new president of the university on 13 December. Who will succeed Alain Beretz?

25 November

Commemoration of the events of 1943

Commemoration of the events of 1943

Each year, a ceremony commemorates the raids on students and teachers of 1943 after which the University of Strasbourg had to withdraw to Clermont-Ferrand. This represents an important moment of assemblage for the academic community.


The library Blaise-Pascal will be closed down

The library Blaise-Pascal will be closed down

In order to give way to the new Studium, the future student’s house and learning centre which is to be inaugurated in September 2019, the library Blaise-Pascal is going to close its doors.

23 June

Thesis Award and doctoral degrees ceremony

Thesis Award and doctoral degrees ceremony

In 2015, 448 doctors graduated at the University of Strasbourg and were conferred doctoral degrees. 21 doctors of various disciplines were awarded prizes commending the quality of their research work. This event has a very strong symbolic character for the graduates.


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